Jolana is a 20+ year TV and radio broadcasting veteran who absolutely love skiing, sailing, & scuba diving. The arts and photography also play a role in her life when she's not on the air or writing articles for Townsquare Media.
Jolana Miller
Why Keanu Reeves Just Signed With This Canadian Hockey Team
Just when you didn't think you could love Keanu any more.
Membership-Sharing Crackdown Underway at Costco
The roll-out is underway right now.
Beautiful Yet Horrible Bugs Are Using the Summer to Spread Cross Country
Kill 'em while you can whether you swat, stomp, or squash.
If You Smell One of These Food-Like Scents in Your Home Get Help Fast
These are not smells you want to blow off until they're too strong to deal with.
‘In-N-Out Burger’ Says it Will Probably Never Open in These States
Did your state make the cut?
First Ever ‘Vampire Virus’ in the U.S. Continues to Be Closely Studied
One virus attaches itself to another and starts sucking on it.
A Glorious, Rare Double Meteor Shower is Here
Look up at this amazing coincidence.
Why Your Jeans Have That Teeny, Tiny Pocket
Can you imagine a pair of jeans without it?
Latest, Surprising Fast Food Popularity Rankings
I haven't even heard of two of these chains.
Why You Should Avoid Using Drawers in Hotel Rooms
Pack a flashlight or ask to borrow one from hotel maintenance.
Yes, the Lens Color in Your Sunglasses Really Does Matter
Protecting those peepers properly.
Surprising Items You Should Never Store in Your Garage
It's not the storage space savior we'd like to think it is.