Johnny Vincent, affectionately known as Johnny V, is a seasoned radio personality with a remarkable three-decade-long career in the industry. His journey in the world of broadcasting led him to Rockford in 2010, where he quickly made a name for himself on former radio station 101QFL, which later became K-Love. Johnny's outstanding contributions to the field were recognized when he received a prestigious Silver Dome Award from the Illinois Broadcasters Association in 2018. Johnny loves his Boston Terrier, Wrigley, and his devotion to the Chicago Cubs is unwavering. As the energetic host of "The Ride Home" on Q 98.5, Johnny brings a unique blend of charm, humor, local happenings, and country music to the airwaves, making him a cherished voice in the lives of many listeners around the Rockford region
Johnny V
Is it Illegal to Drive in Montana with Bare Feet?
When you're doing a cross-country road trip, and the windows are down with the music turned up, you may feel like kicking off your shoes to get the real feel of that backroad ride.
MSU Billings Campus on Lockdown for ‘Potential Gunman’, BPD Respond
According to the post, MSU Billings "received reports of a potential gunman coming to University Campus," and currently has all buildings and departments on lockdown.
Billings Neighborhoods Ravished by Hail, Heavy Flooding
It almost seems like we went through all four seasons in a 12-hour period this past Sunday (7/24), at least in my Billings west end neighborhood.
Livingston Hospital Evacuated, Red Lodge GoFundMe Started
The hospital in Livingston has evacuated all its patients according to a post on social media.
Heartbreaking Videos of Red Lodge, Yellowstone Flood Damage
Social media has been overwhelmed today with shocking videos of flood waters tearing through communities around southern Montana and through Yellowstone National Park.
‘Real Housewives’ Reality TV Star Building Home in Montana
A reality TV show star is planning to build a home, and make the Treasure State her "part-time" residence, according to a post on Instagram.