Charles Bramesco

The Earliest ‘Shape of Water’ Reviews Are Trickling In, and Word Is Good
Critics in the house for the film’s Venice opening left the theater breathless for Guillermo Del Toro’s latest.

Hollywood Rallies Support for Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort
Sandra Bullock, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kevin Hart are just a few of the celebrities opening their wallets to help their fellow human beings.

Wonder Woman and Superman Fought in the Original ‘Justice League’ Script
DC’s mightiest heroes clashed in what was once called ‘Justice League Mortal.’

Guillermo Del Toro’s ‘Fantastic Voyage’ Delayed Until At Least 2019
The obsessive director wants to commit himself to promoting his current film before he starts up on the next one.

Patty Jenkins Fires Back Against James Cameron’s ‘Wonder Woman’ Criticism
The director called for a more comprehensive definition of what female characters can be.

Will Ferrell Will Play ‘The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared’
The Oscar-winning Swedish film tracks the fantastic life of one retirement home escapee.

We Finally Have a Synopsis for M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Split’ Sequel ‘Glass’
The ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ sequel will star Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and James McAvoy.

Matt Damon’s Just Out for a Ride in the New ‘Suburbicon’ Trailer
Things aren’t looking so hot for the ’50s-era family man in the latest spot for George Clooney’s new film.

Amy Schumer Appears in ‘Judge Judy’ Background Just Because She Can
When you’re famous, you can do whatever you want! Like hang with a celebrity judge!

‘Super Troopers 2’ to Open on 4/20/18, Tee Hee
The newly announced release date doubles as an in-joke for the weed-addled fanbase of the slacker comedy.

Lionsgate’s Making a Hunger Games and Twilight Theme Park
The movie studio has set plans for a Hunger Games/Twilight-themed amusement in South Korea.

Halle Berry Says Storm and Wolverine Were a Secret Couple in the X-Men Movies
While Rogue was busy getting crushed by crushes, some other X-Men were getting down to business.