Amanda Ferris graduated with a 3.5 GPA and a B.A. in English from Wagner College in May of 2009, and has since written for several different websites and magazines.These publications include New York Family, The Camel Clutch Blog, Silhouette Urban Mind-Body Fitness's official site, and 2Blue Media Group. In her spare time, she enjoys teaching dance, going to museums, reading, and volunteering at the Love Wanted Pet Adoption events in Brooklyn. Amanda is a founding member of the Boulevard Books Creative Wring Group and she can also be seen reading her poetry at the Tom Kane Boulevard Bards Open Mic sessions as well.
Amanda Ferris
Hilarious Web Show ‘The Most Popular Girls In School’ Is a Hit on Tumblr [NSFW]
Although the very funny, often crude, and completely not safe for work YouTube series 'The Most Popular Girls in School' first hit the internet in 2011, thanks to Tumblr it's now seeing a new degree of popularity. This web series shows the bizarre side of high school that many of us don't like to remember. (Think 'Mean Girls' meets 'Daria' and you'll get the vibe.) Just remember--don't you dare wa
Vine, Twitter’s New Video App, Is Already Causing Problems
Twitter has unveiled their easy-to-use new video app for both the iPhone and iTouch called 'Vine.' This app allows users to post short videos (about 6 seconds each) to their Twitter account, Facebook account, or even to the Vine community.
Geek Proposes to Girlfriend With Replica of ‘Iron Man’ Arc Reactor
When YouTube user Eddie Zarick wanted to propose to his girlfriend, as an electronics geek and 'Iron Man' nerd, he wanted to make it an extra-special occasion. His girlfriend had always been very supportive of his work with electronics and she is also a huge fan of 'Iron Man.' Thus, Eddie's nickname of "Tony Stark" was born.
Obama Now Has a Prehistoric Lizard Named After Him
In one of the most bizarre namesake ideas ever, president Barack Obama can now proudly tell his children that he has a prehistoric lizard named after him. The aforementioned lizard is called "The Obamadon" or scientifically speaking 'Obamadon gracilis'. We kid you not. Try saying that name five times fast!
10-Year-Old Thief Steals Over $1,600 So She Can Play Video Games
In China's Quangang, Fujian province, a ten year-old girl is now in big trouble after she stole $1,600 from a cell phone shop to buy video games. Had it not been for the security cameras catching a video of her crawling on the floor, she would've gotten away with it too.
‘Reading Rainbow’ Gets Awesome YouTube Remix
Hundreds of children have grown up watching LeVar Burton on the PBS show 'Reading Rainbow' and learned to love reading, thanks to Burton's positive teachings. He implored children all across America to read and use their imagination, as it would take them to the heights of the moon and to new countries across the sea.
The 10 Coolest Fictional Pets
You might think you have the greatest pet in the world, but that's probably because you don't watch much TV. Instead of a cat that secretly hates you, fictional pets can be dragons or loyal household animals who stick by your side as you step out into the great unknown, rather than eating the contents of your bathroom trashcan the second you're out the door.
George R.R. Martin Mediates Showdown Between Characters from ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’
While many fans of the fantasy genre adore both George R.R. Martin's novels 'A Song of Ice and Fire,' which have been adapted into the hit HBO show 'Game of Thrones,' and J.R.R. Tolkien's eternal classic 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, many fans have both pondered and fiercely argued which of Tolkien's characters would survive a face-off between one another.
8 Urban Legends That Would Make Great Movies
Please Lord, not another exorcism movie! The world has seen enough 'Paranormal Activity,' too. We know how Hollywood-types love to take stuff that's already out there and make it into movies, rather than come up with their own stories, so we thought we'd offer up these urban legends as idea fodder. Yes, they will all be better than 'Urban Legend.' Promise.
The Science Behind a Zombie Apocalypse
If you're one of the many who are eagerly anticipating a zombie apocalypse, or even just a big fan of 'The Walking Dead,' this video explains how zombies could potentially be created and how accurate most of the fictional zombies are.