What personality shines through when someone wakes you (intentionally) before you want to wake up? I don't get mean, per se, but the fact that I have to say "per se" isn't a good sign. A woman actually drew up a contract for her husband promising that she wouldn't get mad when he woke her at the time she requested. Oh, with the exception of one thing.


If you're reading the below contract with kids within sight or in a conservative workplace, don't scroll to the bottom. It's not a bad word but it's probably not what your boss is wanting you to be spending your time reading. If your boss is cool like that, we can be friends for sure.


As far as this woman goes, the fact that she has the type of paper (or is that a magnet) at the ready says that she's a feisty one.


My wife is not a morning person but she had a big project at work today and wanted to go in early. - Imgur
image via Reddit

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