He went from being Alex who works at Target to being the heartthrob Target Team Member whose photo went viral after a lust-crazed teen noticed how hot Alex was and snuck a shot of him while he bagged her items. Alex is thoroughly confused by this new-found fame and attention. Ellen interviewed him about being #AlexfromTarget.

Just so you know, you're not missing the point. Everyone is. And isn't. This is just a cute guy who works at Target. Teen girls were all over this. Alex (@acl163 on Twitter) gained over 300,000 in under 24 hours after this photo was tweeted out by a teen girl. The thing is: The girl found the photo on Tumblr - she wasn't a customer. This means Alex caught someone else's attention first. Either way, he's the attention of pretty much every teen girl... and Google.

And Target.

And Ellen


See his interview with Ellen HERE.

NOW do you understand?

Us either.

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