This is one of my favorite bars to go to in Downtown Bozeman when I want to have a chill night and just a few casual drinks. Can't wait to see what is different.

If you have never been, there is a cute little bar right next to Tarintino's Pizza and Pub 317. Room 1 was a place that served fancy drinks, had a chill atmosphere, and was a spot to get away from the big crowds. If you try to go check it out now, you might be surprised to know they have a new name.

Room 1 is officially now called Privat. Private Bar looks like that it will be more or less the same that Room 1 had. They will have cocktails and a few beer choices but will also have some small dish options such as sushi. That was one of the things I thought that was missing from Room 1. Having nice little food dishes that can complement your drinks well will only make this spot even more popular.

Credit: Privat via Instagram

I think Private Bar will also be available to rent out as well as an event space. That's pretty smart on their part. If you have a party get-together or have a special occasion and want to get your company together for drinks and not have the hassle of dealing with all the crowds at the Bozeman bars this might be a pretty great solution.

I can't wait to get back here and have a nice gin cocktail and just enjoy my weekend here in Bozeman. For more details, check out Privat.

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