More time with the extended family, the crowded stores, the packed parking lots, the dwindling bank account and the expectation (of yourself) that you can do it all within a month. Are you a wee bit stressed about the holidays? Here are 6 signs and what to do about it.

  1. You dread the thought of being invited to another Christmas party.
  2. You think you need to go over-the-top with everything and make it perfect.
  3. You have more on your holiday list than on any other to-do list.
  4. Christmas music is actually making you mad.
  5. You're scattered and can not seem to remember anything.
  6. The idea of being in the month of January sounds like heaven.

Do any of these (all of these) sound familiar? If so, you are one stressed out holiday elf. It's time to just calm down.

Christmas is approaching whether we want it to or not so we can let it bury us or we can take control. Let's go with the "take control" choice.

Start by writing a list of priorities. If you need to do it by what should be finished the soonest, do that. As you think ahead to what it is you're planning, don't set up this perfect world in your head. Just plan whatever it is that you'd like to do and take it as it comes. Things may actually go perfectly or you might end up feeling like you want to send the rest of the family to a faraway land. See? Now it's an adventure.

To blow off steam or to clear your head, get outside and walk or run. If you belong to a gym, go there. It may seem counter-productive to stop the loads of work you need to get done but exercise will help you be more efficient. Just 30 minutes will do.

Those presents you're stressing over? Forget it. Sure, you may have a great idea but will it work within the time frame you have and the budget you're working with? If your answer is no to either or both of those questions, move on. Think of something else. Go with humor or DIY something. Geez, if you have a Pinterest account, you can find something in a hot second. I totally last-minute'd a gift a couple of years back and it was pillows that were scrabble pieces. I bought travel pillows and tan pillow cases (all super-cheap). I, then, cut out letters that I drew on black felt and literally sealed them on using fabric adhesive and an iron. They are the coolest pillows!

Lastly, think back to your fondest holiday memories? Take yourself there. What do the holidays really mean to you? You're not expected to be like anyone else or better than anyone else. Just chill.

If all else fails, there's always next year.

Article source: Huffington Post

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