Ryan Reynolds talked with Details magazine about his divorce with Scarlett Johansson and the difficulty of it saying "Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain, but you come out of it. I'm not out of it yet. At all." adding "I'm very happy not to be in a relationship right now. That's okay. I didn't plan on it, that's for sure . . . but that's okay."

Mr. Reynolds says dating "seems so kind of alien to me at this point ... I've been in relationships pretty much since high school. Some people look at that as a good thing. I think wiser people might see that as a house of cards."

On parting ways with Scarlett  "Departing a relationship and still maintaining the idea that this is still the same person I married is a great luxury that I experienced. Thankfully I was in a relationship where two people chose to remain on the high road in every regard."

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