At an income of $1.73 million in 2010 President Obama is doing pretty good.  I'm not sure what I expected the President of the United States of America to make in a year.  I knew that it was dramatically lower than it rightly should be given the amount of money that rappers, athletes, and some other media friendly types bring down.  As I continued to read through the Huffington Post article though I found that most of that money was royalties from his 2 books that he has written and published. Without them, The President's salary is $400,000.

Barack Obama

Of course for the time of his presidency he doesn't have to pay rent or a mortgage and I'm guessing meals are taken care of too.  And although that is a well paying job, it seems to me that the President should make more? What do you think?

Here are some other fun facts about the First Family's taxes:

  1. Three books, "Dreams From My Father" , "The Audacity of Hope."  and a  children's book last year, "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters." brought in nearly $1.4 million.
  2. The Obama's paid the government $453,770 in federal taxes, about a quarter of the income.
  3. $245,075 – about 14.2 percent of their adjusted gross income went to charity.  36 different charities. The largest $131,075 gift went to the Fisher House Foundation, which provides humanitarian support to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families.

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