Just hear me out.

Credit:Spaces Images/Getty Images

Listen, nothing against the Bozeman Bowl, which I think is a great place but the problem is just like my movie theater blog I think we need another bowling alley. Bozeman population is growing and with that comes the need for more entertainment,especially for families.

The Bozeman Bowl is great but I have never had any luck to walk in and bowl due to leagues or all the lanes being reserved for parties. Again, I can't stress this enough, it's not Bozeman Bowl's fault. They are just trying to take care of everyone they can.

That is why I believe Bozeman needs another bowling alley, not in downtown though. With the population growing and families moving in areas closer to Belgrade and Four Corners I think if they built a bowling alley towards the mall or near Target I believe it could potentially do really well. The great thing about both of those locations is that they are near new housing developments and have high traffic. This is just my opinion.

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts.

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